New dates: Workshops and seminars in Plauen

28.08.2024 9-16
Competence workshop for managers in the bakery with Martin Bimpage

29.08.2024 8-12 a.m .
Workshop specialised sales with Martin Bimpage

More information


Premium Clean Label Orange paste

A natural orange paste for making high-class bakery and confectionery products, ice cream, fillings, cream cakes, chocolates, desserts, Madeira cake mixtures, confectionery and pastry items, fruit fillings, Christmas biscuits and a great deal more. It contains only natural ingredients, so can also be recommended in line with clean label products. Karow's orange paste gives your creations and cakes a typically strong orange flavour.
  • A natural, viscous paste with 35% finely ground fruit (orange peel & juice)
  • Remains stable when baked or frozen
  • No colourings or preservatives, only purely natural ingredients
  • Therefore highly recommended for clean label products
  • Best quality at top prices
  • Contains <10 mg/kg of SO2

Prices available after login.



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Ice, Confectionery, Clean Label

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